The Best Hemp Cigarettes in Alaska, and Where to Find Them

Hemp Cigarettes Alaska

Since the Farm Bill of 2018, many states have made shifts regarding the laws around hemp, CBD, and hemp-derived products like topicals, tinctures, and smokables like hemp cigarettes.

But how has Alaska, a cannabis-friendly state, responded to the Bill? Can we expect hemp laws to change in The Last Frontier?

Keep reading to learn more about Alaska’s hemp cigarette laws, and where in Alaska you can find CBD cigarettes.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • Benefits and Uses of Hemp Cigarettes 
  • Is It Legal To Buy and Sell Hemp Cigarettes in Alaska?
  • Choosing Quality: Mr. Hemp Flower’s Hemp Cigs
  • A Close-Up Look: Lab Tests, Results and Terpenes

Benefits and Uses of Hemp Cigarettes

Hemp flower is closely related to its cousin, cannabis, though it contains far less of the psychoactive component, THC.

While hemp flower won’t get you high the way its cousin can, CBD is known to lend its own benefits, such as reducing inflammation while promoting a sense of calm, which you can read more about here

And while hemp cigarettes and other CBD smokables carry a lot of appeal for CBD lovers everywhere, they may be especially useful for those trying to quit tobacco.

And while it should be clarified that inhaling any kind of plant matter of any kind can be damaging to your body, hemp cigarettes make a safer alternative to carcinogenic tobacco products. Plus, the lack of nicotine in hemp cigs makes them non-addictive and has even helped individuals quit smoking.

According to research from a blind study at University College London, nicotine-dependent subjects who were given CBD reduced cigarette usage by 40%, while those who took placebos noticed no difference.

Pure hemp can also contain a wealth of terpenes: a class of aromatic compounds produced by plants, and among their diverse variety of over 200 types, they possess a wide variety of properties. Alpha-bisabolol, for instance, is a terpene commonly found in chamomile and is known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, while another terpene, alpha-pinene, is often found in coniferous trees like pine, and is known to help relieve anxiety, improve focus, and even improve memory retention.

Both of these terpenes can be found in hemp, and this is just the beginning of the benefits of hemp cigarettes.

Is It Legal To Buy CBD Cigarettes in Alaska?

As a cannabis-legal state, it’s not much of a surprise that the state of Alaska allows the selling and consumption of CBD under the condition that it’s completely derived from industrial hemp.

That being said, it should be noted that any CBD products with THC levels over 0.3% will be categorized as a cannabis product, meaning that individuals will need to be at least 21 in order to purchase it. In most cases, though, the individual has to be at least 18 in order to purchase CBD smokables like CBD cigarettes.

As per Alaska’s relatively open approach to the Farm Bill, the state does not require a doctor’s prescription from individuals in order to purchase CBD.

Choosing Quality: Where to Buy the Best CBD Cigarettes in Alaska

Hemp cigarettes among other CBD products are relatively easy to find in Alaska and can be purchased in smoke shops, dispensaries, vape shops, head shops, and even in some wellness stores.

Before visiting any CBD shop, it’s recommended to do some research on the place, and perhaps even call ahead to make sure that they have the hemp cigs you’re looking for.

But just like most places in the United States, the most convenient way to purchase your hemp flower cigarettes is online, not only for a better chance of buying CBD cigarettes for less than you would at a brick and mortar, but also because you have options beyond your local area.

Make sure that the CBD smokes you’re buying isn’t making any kind of claims about any medical benefits or effects. Additionally, the labeling should clearly describe the product’s contents, and a certificate of analysis should be readily available.

Ordering your hemp flower online is easy and convenient, and more so than ever when you shop with Mr. Hemp Flower.

Proof in the Results
A Close-Up Look: Lab Tests, Results and Terpenes 

Every CBD supplier should offer a certificate of analysis proving that the products have been tested for contaminants and cannabinoid levels. 

When you see our lab tests, you’ll be assured not only that your product is safe, but you’ll see the spectrum of terps you’ll be enjoying. 

Here are some of the main terpenes found in the proprietary blend for our hemp cigs.

On our site, we have all of our certificates of analysis fully accessible, and you can see our lab tests for hemp cigs here.

(H4)Alpha-Bisabolol-1.31 mg/g (.13%)

 Notably found in German chamomile, alpha bisabolol is known for its delicate fragrance and soothing effects, but it may do wonders as more than a cup of herbal tea: aside from the evidence that it may help with anxiety and depression, growing research is showing that this terpene may be particularly useful against chronic pain.

Guaiol-1.02 mg/g (.10%)

This terpene is found especially in cannabis and cypress, is known for their antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, but it may also be a viable source of defense against systemic inflammation.

Beta-Pinene-.626 mg/g (.06%)

Beta pinene has an especially piney fragrance, and while it, too, has evidence of working well against pain symptoms, beta pinene also acts as an expectorant, meaning that it helps promote the clearing of air passageways to help treat coughs.

Beta pinene lends a deep, rich aroma to our hemp cigs, and adds on to its overall mellowing effect, allowing your smoke break to become a moment of significant respite.

Trans-Caryophyllene .464 mg/g (.05%)

Found in hops, rosemary and cloves, caryophyllene has actually been researched for longer than many other terpenes, and has been shown to act as a neuroprotective agent by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors to bring down inflammation.

Buy Hemp Cigarettes Alaska


Yes, hemp flower cigarettes and other hemp smokables are legal in Alaska.

You must be at least 18 in order to purchase CBD in Alaska, but keep in mind that some CBD products may actually be categorized as cannabis products, which require that the buyer be at least 21.

Hemp cigarettes will not get you high the way weed does, as it lacks the psychoactive component, THC.

Unless otherwise stated on packaging, hemp cigarettes do not contain nicotine, which renders them without the highly addictive properties of traditional cigarettes. But even with the best hemp cigarettes, you’re still inhaling burnt plant matter, which does pose a risk of carcinogens.

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