Are THC Gummies (Delta 9) Considered Illegal in Iowa

Delta 9 in Iowa

On April 8, 2020, Iowa received approval on its hemp program, making it legal to grow, possess, buy or sell hemp nd hemp-derived products.  What does that mean for legal delta 9 THC gummies? Let’s look at the current hemp laws in Iowa and whether you can buy these gummies in Iowa.  Summary Hemp-derived delta […]

Are Delta 9 THC Gummies Legal in Idaho After the State Legalized Hemp?

Delta 9 Idaho

In November 2021, Idaho received approval on its hemp program as the last state in the nation to legalize hemp. But don’t get too excited — the state is still holding back in regards to allowing the sale of hemp-derived products. Can you buy hemp-derived delta 9 gummies in Idaho? Let’s take a closer look.  […]

Legal Delta 9 THC Gummies and Delaware’s Hemp Law

Delta 9 Delaware

Delaware has an active hemp cultivation program, but lacks rules and policies for hemp-derived products. If you want to try legal, low-THC products — like the brand new delta 9 gummies — but are unsure about their legality, we’ve got answers.  Can you order delta 9 THC gummies derived from hemp in the Diamond State? […]

Legal Delta 9 THC Gummies in Colorado — Where to Find the Best Product

Delta 9 Colorado

Colorado has the least restrictive cannabis laws, but there are some details you need to know before buying a whole-plant hemp product like hemp delta 9 gummies.  Hemp and recreational marijuana are legal in Colorado — the nation’s home of hemp producers and CBD sellers. Can you order hemp delta 9 gummies online? Let’s take […]

Where to Buy the Best Legal Delta 9 Gummies in Arkansas

Delta 9 Arkansas

Are hemp delta 9 gummies with less than 0.3% THC legal in Arkansas? Hemp-derived products won approval at a federal level because of the minimal THC quantity and a long list of benefits. This made cannabinoid blends with higher THC amounts available for purchase. Let’s look at their legal status in Arkansas and where to buy […]

Hemp Delta 9 Gummies in Arizona: Legality & Where to Order Online

Delta 9 Arizona

Can you order hemp delta 9 gummies online in Arizona?  The has an established medical marijuana program and has legalized recreational cannabis since 2020. These two branches of cannabis are regulated, but some gaps exist when it comes to hemp-derived products, especially those high in THC. Let’s take a closer look.    Last Update: January 30, 2025 […]

Are Hemp Delta 9 Gummies Legal in Your State? Check in This Comprehensive Guide


Hemp-derived delta 9 gummies look like a regular hemp product. They are compliant with the Farm Bill and contain less than 0.3% THC. But, when you check the concentration of delta 9 in each gummy — which could be anywhere from 8 mg to 15 mg — you may wonder how they are legal in […]

Can I Order The New Legal THC Gummies (Delta 9) in Alaska?

Delta 9 Alaska

Are hemp delta 9 gummies with less than 0.3% THC legal?  You can buy recreational cannabis in the Last Frontier, but the legal status of some hemp-derived products remains murky. If you’re wondering whether the new delta 9 THC gummies are legal in Alaska, we’ve got some answers.  Last Update: January 22, 2025 Summary Hemp-derived […]

Legal THC Gummies in Wyoming — The Best, Truly Full Spectrum Hemp

Delta 9 Wyoming

Can you purchase hemp-derived delta 9 gummies with less than 0.3% THC in Wyoming?  If you need a mildly intoxicating product that’s potent and effective at the same time, our THC gummies are the new go-to. But, can you buy them in Wyoming? Let’s take a closer look.     Last Update: January 20, 2025 Summary Hemp-derived […]

Are Hemp-Derived Delta 9 THC Gummies Legal in Wisconsin?

Delta 9 Wisconsin

Can you lawfully buy hemp delta 9 gummies in Wisconsin? Purchasing hemp-derived products is federally legal, but regulations can vary at the state level.  Let’s look at the legal status of these gummies in Wisconsin and where to buy quality and tested products.  Last Update: January 31, 2025 Summary Hemp-derived delta 9 gummies with less […]

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