How Legal is Delta-10 THC in Wisconsin | Can You Buy It Online?

Delta 10 Wisconsin

Got questions about the legality of Delta-10 THC in Wisconsin? Local hemp stores sell new hemp cannabinoids like D-10 and D-8 THC that promise novel flavors and exciting effects. But, they are intoxicating, which brings the question about their legality. Is Delta-10 THC legal in Wisconsin? Can you order it online? Let’s look at the hemp laws and regulations in the Badger State.

Is It Legal: Wisconsin Delta-10 THC Laws

The short and simple answer is: YES! Delta-10 THC is LEGAL in Wisconsin.

What Is Delta-10 THC? 

Delta-10 tetrahydrocannabinol (D-10 THC) is a newly discovered cannabinoid present in hemp in trace amounts that has the potential to get you “high.” To obtain it in large quantities, chemists convert it from either Delta-9 THC or cannabidiol (CBD).  

If you want the effects of a sativa strain, but improved, consider Delta-10 THC. This compound offers an alternate kind of intoxication that’s somewhere between Delta-9 THC and cannabinol (CBN). The D-10 THC “high” is mild, uplifting, and energizing, but most importantly, doesn’t come with the typical anxiety and paranoia caused by regular sativa strains. 

Buy Delta-10 THC in Wisconsin NOW

You can probably find tons of products labeled as genuine Delta-10 THC in Wisconsin stores. But, that doesn’t mean all of them are true D-10 THC or all of them have been properly tested. Creating pure Delta-10 THC concentrate with high levels of D-10 is challenging. Therefore, not every brand has the capacity to produce a high-quality formula. 

Mr. Hemp Flower is an exception. Our Vape Carts are filled with over 60% pure and potent Delta-10 THC. Our top-shelf formula allows you to enjoy the benefits and the original flavor of this cannabinoid. Because Delta-10 THC is legal in Wisconsin, you can order your Delta-10 THC Vape Cart from us, and we’ll deliver it straight to your door. 

We offer third-party labs with each product displayed on our website. From the lab report, you can see that the product has been tested by a certified lab and contains Delta-9 THC levels within the legal limits of 0.3 percent. If a brand doesn’t offer a comprehensive lab report with the product, consider it a red flag and avoid buying. 

Continued, Is Delta-10 THC Legal in Wisconsin? 

YES. Hemp-derived Delta-10 THC is LEGAL in Wisconsin. 

Wisconsin hasn’t explicitly banned or prohibited the use, manufacture, distribution, and sale of hemp-derived Delta-10 THC products. Because D-10 THC is legal (but unregulated) in this state, you can purchase it without any restrictions. Most hemp shops only sell it to consumers ages 21 and older due to its power to get the user high. 

The Badger State has yet to introduce legislation regarding hemp tetrahydrocannabinols like Delta-10. After the enactment of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill), Wisconsin legalized hemp and its derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers with a Delta-9 THC concentration of less than 0.3 percent. 

The Badger State also updated its Controlled Substances Act to exempt tetrahydrocannabinols in hemp from the list of illegal substances. 

Delta-10 THC and Federal Law 

Is Delta-10 THC, as an intoxicating cannabinoid, legal on a federal level? The legal status of hemp tetrahydrocannabinols is confusing and murky. 

The legal complexities around cannabinoids like D-10 THC stem from two main sources the way it’s made and its intoxicating nature. While the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (commonly known as the “Farm Bill”) legalized the hemp plant and all its derivatives, the legality of this compound is up in the air. 

Namely, the Farm Bill excluded “tetrahydrocannabinols in hemp” from the DEA list of controlled substances. By this measure, hemp derivatives like Delta-10 THC are legal federally if derived from hemp material with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. If made from marijuana, they remain controlled substances. 

The Farm Bill did not change the illegal status of “synthetic” THCs (think Spice and K2). This was confirmed by the 2020 Interim Final Rule released late August by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Among other things, the report declared that “all synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols remain Schedule I controlled substances.” The report did not define or list a category of substances considered “synthetic” under federal law. 

The issue here is that the Farm Bill is in collision with the Interim Rule by the DEA. Mostly because D-10 THC is not present in the hemp plant in large quantities and is chemically produced from either Delta-9 THC or cannabidiol (CBD). 

Therefore, this substance is considered semi-synthetic. On top of it, it’s intoxicating, and this alone contradicts the Farm Bill that legalized hemp and its cannabinoids as non-intoxicating and “safe.” 

Most experts agree that naturally occurring THCs like Delta-10 have nothing in common with “synthetic” substances like Spice. But, the fact that they are intoxicating indicates the need for new rules and regulations. For now, this cannabinoid remains in a gray legal area. 

Bottom line

As of this writing, Delta-10 THC is legal to buy in the Badger State. Wisconsin has yet to pass legislation that legalizes, bans, or restricts the use and sale of D-10 THC products. If you want to buy D-10 THC, the best option is to order online from trusted brands like Mr. Hemp Flower. 

Delta 10 Wisconsin Laws


Yes, it’s legal. Wisconsin has yet to pass laws that restrict or ban the sale of hemp-derived Delta-10 THC products.

The best option is to buy online from reputable and trusted brands like Mr. Hemp Flower.

Yes, you can. Wisconsin doesn’t restrict the sale, use, and possession of D-10 THC products.

Unfortunately, no. More than a dozen states have expressly banned or are in the process of restricting products containing Delta-10 THC, including Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Mississippi, New York, North Dakota, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont.

Read our legal disclaimer HERE. While we try to stay as up-to-date as possible on all state laws, you should do your own due diligence and work with a legal professional to ensure you are operating legally in your state or territory at all times.

We do our best to keep up with state and local policies and regulations, but since those regulations are changing so rapidly, we strongly encourage our customers to check their local state, city and, or county policies before placing an order, as it’s ultimately your responsibility to abide by your local regulations.

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