Full Spectrum CBD Oil In Georgia- Is It Legal?

CBD oil in Georgia

PCR hemp oil or phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil is a highly potent, full spectrum CBD oil derived from whole-plant hemp extract.

Last Update: June 12, 2023

Georgia CBD Oil Laws Summary

  • You can lawfully buy PCR hemp oil with less than 0.3% THC in Georgia. PCR hemp oil is a highly potent full spectrum CBD oil derived from whole-plant hemp extract.
  • The state legalized hemp and hemp-derived products in 2019, with the signing of House Bill 213 [1].
  • Georgia aligns its hemp laws with federal law and prohibits adding CBD to food or dietary supplements.
  • Under Georgia’s medical marijuana program, registered patients can buy high-CBD, low-THC cannabidiol oil with up to 5% tetrahydrocannabinol.

What is PCR Hemp Oil (Full Spectrum)? 

PCR hemp oil is the only type of full spectrum CBD oil on the market that contains the majority of the incredibly nourishing compounds found in hemp. 

Phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil contains a wide array of cannabinoids (CBD, THC, CBC, CBD-V), terpenes, proteins, omega fatty acids, and vitamins, which work together to create potent effects. 

One of the most common questions we get from our customers interested in PCR hemp oil is whether or not it’s legal where they live. 

If you want to know more about the legality of PCR hemp oil in Georgia, keep reading. 

Is Full Spectrum CBD Oil in Georgia Legal?

full spectrum cbd oil Georgia

Yes, PCR hemp oil with less than 0.3% THC is legal in Georgia. 

PCR hemp oil is a full spectrum oil derived from hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC. This product is legal under House Bill 213, signed by Gov. Kemp on May 10, 2019, which legalized the commercial production of hemp and hemp products in the state [1]. 

Georgia law defines hemp products as:

“All products with the federally defined THC level for hemp derived from, or made by, processing hemp plants or plant parts that are prepared in a form available for commercial sale, but not including food products infused with THC unless approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration [1].” 

Georgia has aligned its CBD laws with federal requirements, so adding cannabidiol in food and animal feed is prohibited.

Although PCR hemp oil with less than 0.3% THC is legal in this state, is cannot be marketed as a dietary supplement or medical claims. 

Overall, CBD products from hemp remain unregulated in Georgia as the state abides to federal laws.

You can also buy low-THC high-CBD oil in Georgia with a registered medical card. This product is part of the state’s medical marijuana program, legal under Haleigh’s Hope Act passed in 2015. 

Where to Buy Full Spectrum CBD Oil in Georgia?

You can order legally manufactured PCR hemp oil from Mr. Hemp Flower and have it shipped to your Georgia home. 

The Mr. Hemp Flower Difference

Compared to regular full spectrum CBD oil, PCR hemp oil contains all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, because its made from full spectrum hemp extract

The beautiful dark color of the Mr. Hemp Flower PCR Hemp Oil is an indication of a lightly processed hemp oil rich in cannabinoids and other nutrients. Our hemp oil has a beautiful golden brown color, which indicates a true full spectrum CBD rich in plant nutrients. 

Made in the USA

It took a lot of trial and error to find licensed hemp growers experienced in cultivating organic hemp. Now, we have a verified team of hemp farmers that make our job easier. 

You can rest assured you are getting the best PCR hemp oil on the market because we source all of our plants from licensed US growers. Our growers use safe growing practices to create organic, cannabinoid-rich hemp in their farms in Oregon, Washington State, and Colorado.

Pesticide-Free, Non-GMO 

From the seed to the extract, we make pesticide-free, non-GMO, and solvent-free PCR Hemp Oil. 


Both the hemp plants used for extraction and the final product potent PCR hemp oil are re-tested by an independent, third-party lab. 

Amazing Full Spectrum Product!

Definitely the best I have ever found, check out the labs its great stuff!

Is It Legal to Ship PCR Hemp Oil to Georgia?

After the 2018 Farm Bill, manufacturers are allowed to ship CBD oil in the mail as long as the product comes from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC. 

PCR hemp oil a full spectrum oil that contains less than 0.3% THC, so, under federal law, it can be shipped to your Georgia home. 

States can pass their own laws regarding the sale and possession of hemp-derived products. 

Georgia law bans the shipping of hemp and hemp products with more than 0.3% THC and allows the transportation of hemp by licensed growers and processors. 

A Short Overview of Hemp CBD Laws in Georgia 

2019 — HB 213

Governor Kemp signed House Bill 213 on May 10, 2019. This legalized the commercial production of hemp and hemp products in Georgia. 

2017 — HB 465

This Act provides for the creation of an Industrial Hemp Commission, the establishment of a research program in cooperation with state universities, and other purposes relating to hemp. 

2015 — HB 704 

This Act provided for industrial hemp cultivation, procedures, conditions, and limitations, possession of industrial hemp under certain circumstances. 


PCR hemp oil is legal in Georgia under HB 213, that legalized the commercial production of hemp and hemp-derived product within federal regulations.

You don’t need a special license to purchase PCR Hemp Oil with less than 0.3% THC.

Yes, you can buy PCR hemp oil online in Georgia. Order your legally produced, organic PCR hemp oil from Mr. Hemp Flower, and we’ll deliver it to your home. 

PCR hemp oil is the best type of CBD oil available on the market. PCR hemp oil is derived from whole-plant hemp extract. It contains phytocannabinoids, terpenes, essential oils, fatty acids, and other nutrients, which other CBD oils don’t. 

Yes, it’s absolutely legal to shop for hemp-derived PCR hemp oil in Georgia. The marketing of PCR hemp oil as a dietary supplement or food additive is prohibited under state and federal law.

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